Under-rated but overly useful serial number labels
With the evolution of barcode and QR code technology; the trusty serial number label often gets overlooked. We will explore how serial numbers can be used with both QR codes and barcodes and how they are still incredibly important in todays market.
QR Code Labels vs Linear Barcode Labels
A barcode is formed using a pattern of parallel lines of varying widths that, when scanned with a barcode reader, reveal data. The data can be anything from a serial number to a breakdown of components needed for a product.
A barcode reader is usually required to read a barcode and because of this it makes them ideal for use within a company so you are sure you have the correct hardware and software.
A few examples of how barcode labels can be used internally is within the warehousing and logistics market as stock and product locators. As you can imagine warehouses are generally huge and to write onto a product or write a description of where a product is located could be quite lengthy however using a barcode to house that information saves space.
A Quick Response Code Label is more commonly known as a QR Code Label. Its name is given by the speed of which the information housed within it can be displayed using the camera on an iphone or android device. When scanned, a url link is displayed that can then be clicked to redirect to the data within the code. Alternatively, variable QR codes can be printed to display a serial number.
The use of QR codes exploded over the coronavirus pandemic because it stopped the need for the public contaminating surfaces and items. For example; the hospitality industry continue to use QR codes to display menus and visitors are often encouraged to order using the QR code url to limit contact with their staff members.
QR Code Labels that house serial numbers are extremely useful for use within a company for example for inventory of stock or assets.
How the Serial Number Label Compares
If you have read this far you may have noticed that both the barcoded labels and QR coded labels use serial numbers within them. Often these will be produced with a human readable serial number in case the reading hardware or software fails.
Therefore, maybe we should not be comparing the QR code and barcode with the serial number label because these actually are serial number labels that have evolved to a modern world and for 21st century use. Instead, we could celebrate the longevity and diversity of a serial number!
View our ranges of serial number labels, QR coded labels and barcoded labels where you can order easily online.