What the heatwave means for your labels
As you’ll be aware the UK is currently in the middle of a heatwave, and with the ever-increasing exposure to UV rays, you need to be confident that your product label will not fade or disintegrate in these extreme conditions. Here at GSM Online Label Sales, we guarantee a UV resistant label that will keep its top-quality standard throughout its lifespan.
Metal Labels
As standard our aluminium labels are anodised to protect them from the harsh environments, on this occasion the ‘the Great British weather’ as we experience a high alert/warning for a heatwave.
Anodising the labels ensures that the printed ink is sealed beneath the anodic layer creating a barrier for the detail. This process is completed by electrically charging the metal, which opens its pores. We then print into the pores before sealing the ink beneath the anodic layer, further protecting it from the elements.
Although the metal labels may get hot over the next few days, the printed detail will remain in place. We offer printed anodised aluminium labels with serial numbers and with QR codes to help with your particular application.
Polycarbonate labels
To ensure our plastic labels adhere to the ANSI (American National Standards Institute) specifications, UV inks are used in both the screen & digital printing processes, along with reverse printing onto clear polycarbonate, also known as ‘under surface printing. This provides your labels with an added layer of protection.
We are seeing temperatures soar into the 30’s today and with that comes a lot of UV exposure, therefore any labels that are used externally must offer the peace of mind that they can withstand such climates. The ANSI specification we have had our labels tested to ensure that they will remain legible for a minimum of 5 years, even in a heatwave.
Our polycarbonate labels can be ‘customised’ to include your company details and a QR or serial number.
To discuss your requirements further, please don’t hesitate to contact a member of our team.